Are You a Recent College Grad? Franchising is Possible!

When you’ve just graduated college and are ready to take on the world, finding yourself a career to commit to that you love is one of the stumbling blocks you might encounter. Before accepting the first job offer to come your way, it’s a good idea to decide if you have an entrepreneurial spirit. Should working for a boss straight out of college not pique your interest, why not consider becoming a business owner? 

If you have always wanted to be an entrepreneur, you don’t have to wait years and gain experience at a company first. You don’t even need to start your own business from scratch and can instead opt to become a franchise owner even if you are a recent college graduate. There are part-time and low-cost franchising opportunities and numerous financing options to help you become a proud business owner. 

With the right guidance from a respected franchising consultant like the ones at Franocity, you could be on your way to building a successful entrepreneurial career. During a franchise evaluation process with a consultant, your strengths and traits will be identified to match you with a business you love. So, let’s dive into how franchising is possible for recent grads.

How Is Franchising Possible For Recent College Grads?

Have a look below to learn what you need to know about how franchising is possible if you’re a recent college graduate in America.

There are Franchising Financing Options Available to College Grads

It might be difficult to believe, but franchising financing options are available to those who have recently graduated college. After all, most college graduates who are aspiring entrepreneurs don’t have hundreds of thousands or millions to put towards buying a franchise.  

One of the best financing options is third-party financing partnerships with franchise brands. There are also loans you could qualify for through the Small Business Administration. If these options fail, you could create a team that invests in a franchise as a collective. 

You Can Buy a Low-Cost Franchise

Aiming high and investing in a well-known franchise worth millions might be tempting. Unfortunately, this goal is often not attainable straight out of college. Luckily, there are numerous low-cost franchises that can act as the perfect stepping stone toward achieving your entrepreneurial dreams. 

A low-cost franchise is any franchise with an initial investment value of $100,000 or less. There are many low-cost franchise opportunities in various industries, including manufacturing and hospitality. If you can’t get a loan for more than $100,000 but can get one for less, it’s best to consider a low-cost franchise opportunity. 

Our team at Franocity can help you find a low-cost franchising opportunity that best suits your needs, wants, and business preferences in addition to your budget. 

There are Part Time Franchising Opportunities

If you’re not ready to commit wholly to franchising but are still interested in investing, you might want to secure a part-time franchising opportunity. Should you choose to involve yourself with a franchise part-time, you can continue exploring your other career dreams in an industry you love. 

This is truly the best of both worlds when you consider that you will be a business owner and be able to put your degree to good use. Some industries known to have part-time franchising opportunities include property management franchises, education franchises, and travel agency franchises. 

Since finding a part-time franchising opportunity can be challenging, it’s best to speak with a franchise consultant who can offer you flexible franchise options. 

Speak with a Franchising Consultant at Franocity Today!

As you can see, recent college graduates can seize franchising opportunities. If you’re a college grad who wants to learn more about franchising options, you should consider speaking with a consultant at Franocity

Our franchise consultants have the skills needed to match you with a franchising opportunity that suits your budget, personality, goals, and lifestyle. So get in touch with one of our expert consultants today to make your franchise dreams a reality.